St Patricks River slaughter
This map showed the unparalleled mapping of logging coupes planned to wipe out an entire landscape. VicForests plotted these coupes on the map just after the Brown Mt Court case in 2010. If we didn’t know them any better we’d say this was an act of revenge.

Cattleyard Track coupes earmarked for clearfelling
This area is just to the west of Goolengook, near a known Potoroo habitat site. The same survey crew used the movement sensing cameras to locate four different sites throughout the area where the endangered Long-footed Potoroos were detected. See the red dots on the map. DSE or VicForests never surveyed for the presence of rare wildlife before they ticked off on the complete annihilation of this area.
VicForests is staunchly denying that they have any evidence of LF Potoroos being present despite them having the report with the footage and GPS readings. The battle of letters between them and Lawyers For Forests continues
GOOD NEWS UPDATE Potoroo habitat coupes removed
The huge stand of forests near the St Patricks River that were earmarked for clearfelling (see map above) has been removed from logging plans. VicForests claim it is removing them due to ‘community concerns’. We claim it is removing them as a result of the Supreme Court judgment reminding VicForests of its legal obligations towards endangered species.
Below is the media story in the local Orbost paper:
In response to community concerns, 18 coupes proposed for the Rich Forest Block, on the Errinundra Plateau north of Orbost have been removed from Timber Release Plans (TRP). A further eight coupes have been removed from the approved TRP to meet protection requirements for the Long-footed Potoroo according to a media release from the Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) circulated last week. (Snowy River Mail 25/8/10)