Mt Jersey Giants – not giant enough

This giant tree stump is all that remains of a tree hundreds of years old and using VicForests prescriptions, should have been protected
In March 2011, VicForests was crowing about its new giant tree protection policy (read our 2011 article here). VicForests said their new policy on giant trees will also “see every effort made to protect trees which are greater than 3m in diameter”. That’s 9.4 mts circumference.
Protesters at Mt Jersey’s old growth forests currently being clearfelled have measured the circumference of tree stumps from 7.15m, to 10.9m.
The area of old growth forest to be cleared in Mount Jersey totals 116 hectares – which is equivalent to 58 football fields.
Previously, these forest areas were designated as Special Protection Zones, but became part of the 2,507 hectares of public forests rezoned over to logging in August last year.