Hensleigh Creek – obliteration success!
The old growth and rainforest of Hensleigh Creek was clearfelled by VicForests in 2015-16, then on 10th April 2016, it was finished it off with an intense burn. They call it ‘sustainable management’ … who do they think they are kidding!?!
600 years to grow, an hour to destroy! Habitat trees left – but killed in the fire Old forests are massive carbon stores, but logging and burning adds to already serious climate change Another ‘great great grandmother’ gone This giant was felled and left. Criminal slaughter of our land giants A functional water filtration system – gone. A functional ecosystem no more. The illegally logged rainforest – which VicForests denies was rainforest, but admits it must lift its game. Where did all the hundreds of animals go that once thrived here? Already dead or in the process of dying. Crine upon crime upon crime. Logging also costs tax payers millions a year to subsidise such destruction. Lisa Neville MP – no more! Daniel Andrews – a fast exit for this shameful excuse for an industry. Once this forest had a deep layer of living humus that kept the ground moist, supported a myriad of life and made and held soil. Now scorched of all life.