Join Environment East Gippsland

Why not become a member of EEG ~ or renew your current membership?
For $20 a year ($15 for unwaged), you will receive an occasional electronic News in a Nutshell e-bulletin. It contains news you might never hear about in the mainstream media. It’s written in simple language that gets straight to the point. It also uses satire and humour to lessen the impact of the often bad news. Members also receive special discounts on our merchandise. Our members ensure we can keep holding the forest-wreckers to account and weaken their hold over government pollies and policy.
Endorsement for the newsletter from Bob Brown.
“After just ten minutes of this magic concoction of irreverence, humour, defiance and subversion-of-the-dominants, I had sore sides and tears in my eyes, and a deep feeling of contentment that there is an upside to the human spirit.
We CAN win. Thanks a million …
You can join EEG by:
1) Returning this form Membership form.pdf and a cheque to: EEG, Locked Bag 3 ORBOST Vic 3888.
2) For paying via direct deposit click here to contact us via email for our direct deposit details (please email us as well with the details of your deposit).
Tax deductible receipts for donations will be issued by mail.
If you’d like to simply make a donation or to make regular donations, GiveNow accepts online tax deductible donations on our behalf. GiveNow will email you back a tax receipt.
Many thanks.