Donate to Environment East Gippsland

EEG provides the most enviro-bang for your buck – and we work 7 days a week – no holiday pay, no office rent, power bills, wages or overheads.

If you like what we do, or if you also feel outraged and want to help somehow, you can make a donation to support our work.

You can donate securely to EEG’s work via our Give Now page by clicking here.

Or via PayPal using the form below.

If you’d rather make a direct deposit, please contact us and ask for our bank details.

Donate via Paypal

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Donation Total: $10

We rely totally on our memberships and donations. We receive no government funding. Amongst our recent achievements are the following:

  • Six out of six successful legal actions against VicForests and the Department
  • Succesfully having VicForests removed from being a member of and influencing the Forest Stewardship Council.
  • Highlight the unscientific and damaging use of large scale burns in fire management
  • Produce submissions, question Ministers, attend meetings, present evidence.
  • Submit FOI applications to gain hidden information
  • And much more …

Regular Donations

Regular donations enable us to continue our work and plan ahead. If you’d like to make regular donations, GiveNow accepts monthly online tax deductible donations on our behalf. GiveNow will email you a tax receipt.


Your love for the great beauty and diversity of our forests can last beyond your lifetime. A bequest to Environment East Gippsland is a lasting contribution to the protection of our forests and will help ensure their spectacular biodiversity is inherited by friends, family and future generations.

Become a member

Another way to support our work is to become a member. For $20 a year ($15 for unwaged), you will receive the News in a Nutshell e-bulletin. This newsletter is full of forest news you’ll never hear about in the mainstream media. It’s written in simple language that gets straight to the point.

What else can we do?

There are many other ways to help our forests and wildlife. From your consumer choices to calling talkback radio. Check out these ideas …