Bracks government has allowed illegal logging for years

A Supreme Court judge has ruled that the Bracks government’s environmental code for logging native forests (Code of Forest Practices) is enforceable under law. Prior to this ruling, DSE argued that the only lawful requirements were that the coupe be in a logging zone and that the loggers have a licence to log. The ruling …

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Gunns pulpmill fast-tracked

The Tasmanian Government will declare Gunn’s planned $1.2 billion pulpmill (one step along the production line from woodchips) as a Project of State Significance. This will allow it to be fast tracked and bypass many environmental and other planning regulations. It recently released proposed amendments to planning laws to ensure a smooth approvals process for …

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Gunns trigger happy

Will protests against corporations become illegal? Twenty Tasmanian campaigners speaking out against Gunns Ltd, the Tasmanian woodchip company, are being sued for almost $6.4 million. They are accused of conspiracy and interference with trade and business. The 216-page writ was filed in the Victorian Supreme Court on 14th January and targets outspoken environmentalists including Peg …

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$74,000 to hide Goolengook tapes

The Bracks Government has spent more than $74,000 fighting a Freedom of Information request for Department of Sustainability and Environment video tapes of the March 2002 raid on Goolengook. This is despite giving edited clips to television for broadcast. DSE says it is protecting the identity of its staff from intimidation by conservationists! The Victorian …

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East Gippsland mill mergers herald end game

he possible merger of three East Gippsland sawmills, Terra Timbers, Auswest and Austimbers, was announced in mid-November. This is rather good news for forests as it reflects the ever-increasing difficulty in selling native forest hardwood in a market now dominated by pine. These mills are unable to stay afloat unless they cut back on costs …

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Half of East Gippsland’s sawlogs chipped – CSIRO report

The industry that gave us the National Park Logs Swindle now brings us the Residual Logs Rip-off. Over the past few years, the CSIRO has been checking low grade logs delivered to East Gippsland mills – so called ‘residual logs’ that nearly all end up as piles of woodchips. The industry is always whingeing about …

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The sun sets on Daishowa

After 3 decades of forest destruction, there is now a strong campaign to close down the export woodchip mill at Eden and move the whole show to a plantation industry based near Portland in Western Victoria. This was presented to the ALP in the lead up to the election as a winning solution. For the …

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Tasmania needs help

Whistle blower exposes corruption in Tasmania A greying Tasmanian forester of 32 years experience has spilt the beans on broad-scale illegal destruction of the state’s public forests. He claims corruption and collusion by and between the logging industry and Tasmanian Government has been rampant since the signing of the RFA five years ago. Bill Manning …

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Victorian forest alliance formed

A new state group has been formed consisting of 12 regional, state and national groups who are all working to protect Victoria’s forests. Environment East Gippsland is participating in meetings and will be helping with the campaign directions. A similar alliance was formed in WA which had a stronger influence on their government. This prevents …

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Bulldozing the Baw Baw Frog to extinction

The Bracks government is set to usher one of Victoria’s most globally significant and threatened species into extinction. The Baw Baw frog is set to be carefully experimented upon with D4s! With less than 250 Baw Baw frogs remaining in the wild, this species’ extinction is imminent. It is only one of many species dependent …

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