Logging in East Gippsland losing up to $5.5 million a year

Logging in East Gippsland is not commercially viable and cutting down native forests across the region is racking up losses of up to $5.5 million a year, internal government documents reveal. A leaked briefing by Victoria’s Department of Treasury and Finance to the former Napthine government says East Gippsland logging is being cross-subsidised by profitable harvesting in the state’s Central Highlands. The Highlands logging has come …

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Timber company to benefit as RET deal creates market for unsaleable timber, says VicForests analysis

The revised Renewable Energy Target (RET) currently before Parliament would provide a market for otherwise unsaleable timber, according to a document from Victoria’s state-owned forestry business, VicForests, obtained by the ABC. Environment Minister Greg Hunt introduced the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment Bill yesterday. The legislation locks in the bipartisan deal for a new, lower, 2020 …

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VicForests losing millions, but promises ‘no massive forest furnaces’ under new RET deal

Leaked business and corporate plans from Victoria’s state-owned forestry business, VicForests, reveal multi-million dollar taxpayer losses and logging operations in parts of the state that ‘are not commercial’. This is especially the case in East Gippsland, where weak demand for poor quality logs has made operations unprofitable over ‘many years’. The leaked ‘commercial in confidence’ …

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Green Group Who Exposed Dodgy Logging Deserving Of Prosecution, Says Minister

The Victorian Agriculture Minister believes it is “entirely appropriate” that the Goongerah Environment Centre is facing the threat of prosecution for exposing what the Environment Minister admits as “extremely poor” logging practices by her own government. Goongerah Environment Centre, which was last week shortlisted for a United Nations Habitat Restoration and Biodiversity award, was notified …

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Environmental group threatened with prosecution

An environmental group who discovered evidence of logging in a Gippsland rainforest has been threatened with prosecution. Goongerah Environment Centre (GECO) raised the alarm last month when they discovered trees had been ripped out in a protected area, in the Errinundra National Park But the State Government found there was insufficient evidence that VicForests had …

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Goongerah Environment Centre threatened with trespassing prosecution after revealing Errinundra Plateau rainforest clearing

Members of an environment group who revealed evidence of rainforest clearing in East Gippsland, in south-east Victoria, have been threatened with prosecution. After being tipped off by the Goongerah Environment Centre (GECO), the Department of Environment found VicForests had needlessly destroyed rainforest canopy on the Errinundra Plateau. The state forestry compliance officer has now threatened …

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The TPP Could Have Disastrous Results For The Climate, Environmental Groups Warn

A wide-reaching trade agreement between the United States and several Asian nations could have catastrophic repercussions for climate change, including giving corporations the power to sue governments that try to limit polluting industries, environmental groups say. In order to avoid dangerous climate change, scientists estimate that 80 percent of the world’s fossil fuels need to …

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Australian forests need your help – today

Environmentalist and campaigner Frances Pike explains why Australian native forests are currently facing their greatest threat and how you can make a difference. The so-called native forest “waste” that is the sticking point in current Renewable Energy Target negotiations is not sawdust, tree stumps or branches. If the industry gets its way it will be …

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Call for moratorium on bioenergy

Our governments should take note: some US Senators are wanting a moratorium on use of bioenergy as renewable energy under their Clean Power Plan.  They believe that by claiming biomass power plants that burn forest ‘waste’ emit zero emissions, it could undermine the ability of the Plan to reduce emissions from the power sector. Massachusetts has …

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