Stopping the Chopping: forest defence in Victoria

The forests of East Gippsland, Victoria, continue to fall victim to an over-subsidised and under-regulated forestry industry. While some threatened species of flora and fauna should enjoy legal protection, the regulations are too-often ignored in the quest to make a dollar out of an unsustainable plunder. Thankfully, there are people on the ground to defend …

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Forests gain long-awaited recognition in Paris climate summit

The climate change agreement adopted by 195 countries in Paris last week raised the profile of forests in ways never seen before. In past multilateral environmental conferences, deforestation proved too thorny for nations to reach agreement. Now, however, some of the most heavily forested countries in the world have pledged to fight deforestation and promote …

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The Southern Brown Bandicoot Dilemma

For the last 13 years, the nationally endangered Southern Brown Bandicoot has been proclaimed with great hype and expectation as a flagship species in the local biosphere region. They were still prevalent on the Mornington Peninsula and in the Frankston area including the Pines. Sadly, because of incompetence and to a degree of unwillingness by …

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South East Fibre Exports sold to Allied Natural Wood Exports with all current employees made redundant

After 45 years of operations, the shareholders of South East Fibre Exports (SEFE), Eden, have decided to sell the business to a new Australian owned company, Allied Natural Wood Exports. SEFE general manager Peter Mitchell released a statement at 3.45pm Tuesday, December 15, breaking the news to media and community. “Since commencing operations in 1970, SEFE has …

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Protest halts VicForests illegal logging operation

GECO MEDIA RELEASE Conservationists from Goongerah Environment Centre (GECO) have halted logging operations in high conservation value forest on the St Patrick’s River in East Gippsland today due to multiple breaches of the law. A person is positioned in a tree platform 30m off the ground. The platform is tied off to logging machinery which …

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High-level danger for forest giants

The tallest trees play a vital role in combating global warming by taking carbon from the atmosphere, but they are at greatest risk from ever-increasing droughts. LONDON, 14 December, 2015 – When the rains fail, it doesn’t pay to be the tallest tree in the forest. Scientists have confirmed once again that when it comes to …

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Climate change plan B: going negative

If world leaders can’t agree to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions, technologies that remove carbon from the atmosphere could be our only hope for avoiding extreme climate change. Gregg Borschmann reports. With global greenhouse gas emissions projected to continue rising for at least the next decade, scientists and policy makers are quietly but increasingly focused …

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A long way to go for Forestry Tasmania’s FSC bid environment groups warn

The very issues that Markets For Change, the Bob Brown Foundation and the Tasmanian Conservation Trust documented and took FSC auditors to see in the field are those that have been identified as the key impediments to Forestry Tasmania achieving FSC certification, revealed today in a Government Business Enterprises Estimates Committee hearing in Hobart. Forestry …

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