Meet the conservationists who believe that burning is good for wildlife

Our national park authorities are vandals and fabulists, inflicting mass destruction on wildlife and habitats, then calling it conservation At one end of the country, conservation groups are doing all they can to stop the burning of moors. Challenging the grouse shooting estates, for example, the Dartmoor authority justifies the practice: Dartmoor has been going …

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Backburn may have caused Wye River fire to escape

The confidential state government files reveal that three days after a lightning strike on December 19 caused a small, half-hectare blaze to begin near Wye River, Victorian fire officials ordered a controlled burn operation which included the dropping of small fireballs from aircraft. The fact that the backburn operation and associated warnings have not been publicly detailed by …

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Human impact has pushed Earth into the anthropocene, scientists say

New study provides one of the strongest cases yet that the planet has entered a new geological epoch There is now compelling evidence to show that humanity’s impact on the Earth’s atmosphere, oceans and wildlife has pushed the world into a new geological epoch, according to a group of scientists. The question of whether humans’ …

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Drax biomass conversion must comply with EU state aid rules

Power plant conversion project in North Yorkshire is one of several state-backed renewable energy projects in the UK The Drax plans are in line with EU state aid rules. The carbon footprint is reduced by 86% by burning wood pellets rather than coal, according to figures audited by PwC. under a UK support measure for …

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Victoria’s national parks in jeopardy after deep funding cuts

Victoria’s national parks are increasingly struggling to cope with feral animals, weeds, fire threats and degraded infrastructure after deep budget cuts. Parks Victoria’s most recent annual report shows direct funding from the state government has collapsed by 37 per cent in nominal terms over the past three years, from $122 million in 2011-12 to $76.8 …

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Cats came to Australia with European settlers not 17th-Century shipwrecks, two studies say

Feral cats in Australia are descended from animals that arrived after European settlement, confirming their devastating impact on local wildlife, researchers say. Two separate studies analysed the genomes of feral cats from around Australia to determine whether Australian populations are related to Asian cats or came from European stock, and when they arrived. Although most …

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Talks in the city of light generate more heat

Rather than relying on far-off negative-emissions technologies, Paris needed to deliver a low-carbon road map for today, argues Kevin Anderson. The climate agreement delivered earlier this month in Paris is a genuine triumph of international diplomacy. It is a tribute to how France was able to bring a fractious world together. And it is testament …

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