The legal cases

There are currently two legal cases going on against the government and its logging agency VicForests. They challenge the legitimacy of the RFAs and the legal requirement for more old growth to be protected in reserves. The first case concerns the overlogging of a valuable forest type (wet and damp old growth forest). The law …

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Nippon’s Reflex paper mill plans a giant waste incinerator

EEG is challenging the EPA Works Approval to Australia’s giant woodchip and paper mill to build a $500 million waste incinerator. This is an obscene situation. This paper mill has been responsible for destroying the Central Highlands Mountain and Alpine Ash forests since its establishment in 1938. It has a promise of log supply up …

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VicForests – major certification fail

VicForests has failed a forth time to gain the global forest environmental certification tick. We wonder what other motives they have to continue applying for acceptance when their practices don’t change.

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RFAs need to be terminated

EEG has submitted comments to the farcically late 5 yearly review of RFA (26 Jan 2018). We say they must be terminated. The Regional Forest Agreements cost us $300 million dollars to pretend the forest battle had been solved by ‘balancing all values’. They have failed on almost every environmental promise, but for 20 years …

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How did the environment fare in the Vic budget 2017?

All up it has $306M was allocated to our environment (sport managed $308M). This is less than half of what the M80 Ring Road has been allocated, and less than half the schools’ budget. Biodiversity Plan 2037 – $86M for reveg and pest control. Parks – $32M for new rangers over 2 years and a …

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Greater Glider – recently listed as threatened

Bad news: The Greater Glider, Australia’s largest (and fluffiest) gliding possum is under threat of extinction. Good news: It has recently been added to the threatened list of Victoria’s Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act (FFGA) After decades of decline and zero government interest or surveys, the clear evidence is that local extinctions of the Greater …

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Responses of invasive predators and native prey to a prescribed forest fire

Fire shapes biome distribution and community composition worldwide, and is extensively used as a management tool in flammable landscapes. There is growing concern, however, that fire could increase the vulnerability of native fauna to invasive predators. We developed a conceptual model of the ways in which fire could influence predator–prey dynamics. Using a before–after, control–impact …

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Heyfield timber mill: Time to face forest facts

THE people of the Latrobe Valley are right to be dismayed by the looming fate of the Australian Sustainable Hardwoods mill at Heyfield. Gippsland has long been the centre of the hardwood timber industry in Victoria, and the hardwood timber industry has long played a major part in Gippsland’s development and in its prosperity. The …

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