Gaining ground for GLIDERS
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EEG is again suing VicForests in the Supreme Court.

VicForests refused to stop logging an area rich in rare wildlife in the Kuark forest Block, home to Yellow-bellied Gliders, Long-footed Potoroos, rare plants, rainforest and the critically endangered new species of Galaxias fish.

VicForests declined to halt logging after court proceedings were filed.On Friday (12/2/16) our lawyers at Environment Justice Australia (EJA) filed a writ in the Supreme Court against VicForests over its logging in this stand of forest, south of Goolengook (30km NE of Orbost).

VicForests still refused to stop logging and so we were forced to seek an urgent injunction on the Saturday. A temporary injunction was granted and VicForests has since agreed not to log until March 21st. EJA is now preparing the necessary documents for this case to proceed.

A brief article about this appeared in Friday’s (19th February) Age – read it here. Surveys like those which have given us information to help base our case on were covered by the ABC. The news story can be read and listened to here.

Now - we hate doing this, but it’s a crucial time for this type of serious action. It costs us serious money – and we seriously need your help! If everyone who receives this could donate $10, we’d be away! If every second person could send $20 – we’d be ecstatic! You can make a TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation via PayPal or GiveNow (minimal fees) or ask us for our bank details. We need your help to see this through.

EEG has a record of three wins for wildlife in the last 3 months. They were all resolved without escalating to court. Our fourth dispute with VicForests this summer escalated last week and is EEG’s 8th legal action since 2009 and our fourth Supreme Court case.
So far we have won or resolved 7/7.

Please donate – as a high return investment on the long-term protection for forests in Victoria.

Thanks so much to those who have already donated.
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Jill (and the team)

From the Age article of 19th Feb… "VicForests declined to halt logging after court proceedings were filed. We discovered that some logging had already occurred, logging machines remained in the area, and another machine was delivered early on Saturday morning, so we requested an urgent court hearing over the weekend," said Danya Jacobs, a lawyer with Environmental Justice Australia.

"We will be arguing that VicForests started logging in this area without properly looking for these values or protecting them."

Donations are tax-deductibleIf you would like to help, you can donate here so we can keep going.

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