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Environment East Gippsland Federal Election Update

Burning forests for electricity


The burning of our native forests to generate electricity (to power our air conditioners!) is being supported by the Liberals and ALP and assisted by State and Federal legislation. This will be the next major threat our forests face.
For more information visit or our EEG website

Special Protection Zones
The DSE is currently remapping the various logging and conservation zones across East Gippsland. From a quick glance, it appears that many Special Protection Zones are being passed over into General Logging Zones for clearfelling, and previously logged forests are being rezoned for protection as Special Protection Zones!
Fancy that hey!?
The draft maps and explanations are on their website here
They’re calling for public comment. We hope to have a more thorough look soon and we’ll get back to everyone with more info.

Update from Flora Research Collective

The criminal case against VicForests which was filed by the Flora Research Collective (FFRC) in June this year, has taken a new course. The Ombudsman has now been formally requested to investigate an allegation of unlawful logging in the Central Highlands of Victoria.
Conservation groups are alleging VicForests unlawfully logged an area of forest in Toolangi that contained Leadbeater’s Possum habitat and trees that predate 1900. The law says such areas need to be protected.
FFRC realised that a successful criminal prosecution of VicForests would only result in a fine being imposed on VicForests, which is effectively moving money from one government coffer to another. That is unlikely to deter VicForests from further offending. FFRC has decided that an investigation by the Ombudsman is more likely to lead to a better outcome for the Leadbeater’s Possum and so a better use of the group’s resources.

Logging Lobby Spin
The logging lobby group Timber Communities Australia have put this half page colour ad in the regional newspapers along the SE coast from Nowra to Bairnsdale.


Look at the photos – it’s us greenie tree huggers that are to blame for the bushfires – which they say would not have happened if they were allowed to log and thin the forests.
But have a look at this one....


They really should be using this photo for 'thinned plantation'. This stand of trees logged and thinned just before the Feb bushfires Glad to see that TCA don't let the facts get in the way of a good story - to use their pun!

Political parties env cred


Today the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) and WWF released their scorecards for the election campaign.
ACF executive director Don Henry described the policies of both sides as "piecemeal".
From a possible 100, the group scored the Greens 89, Labor 44 and the coalition 20.
Above is The Wilderness Society’s scorecard on the parties.
To read more of The Wilderness Society Media Release 16 August 2010 here

Feast for Forests reminder

Just reminding anyone who's keen to come along to the Fauna and Flora Research Collective (FFRC) - 'Feast for Forests' fundraising dinner on Sunday 29th August, to please RSVP by Monday 23rd August!
After the great result in the Brown Mountain case we believe celebrations are in order! We would love for you to join us for an enjoyable evening of food and wine.
It is set to be a super night, including a raffle, auction, music and presentations by guest speakers Brian Walters SC, (Senior Counsel, human rights advocate and current Greens candidate for the State seat of Melbourne), Vanessa Bleyer Solicitor for EEG in the Brown Mountain case and Chris Taylor, current PhD Candidate (Forest Certification).
More information on our website here
Give your vote teeth!

Give your vote teeth

Jill Redwood
Environment East Gippsland Inc

FORESTS - our breathing space!