Green greetings from a verdant East Gippsland!
Good news first –
1) Our forest campaigner friends from across the border did a truck count at the chip mill on Thursday (fun annual event) and there were no log trucks coming from Victoria. On ABC Gippsland news this morning (Friday), VicForests stated that they had no other customer lined up to take the ‘waste’ (which accounts for 85-90% of all logs taken from our forests). WOO-HOOO!
2) VicForests has agreed to extend their moratorium on not logging 81 areas of potential critical owl habitat that survived last summer's fires. EEG is suing both DEPI and VicForests for not adhering to laws that protect a minimum number of endangered owl zones. 170,000ha was burnt last summer, much being owl habitat. VicForests has agreed to not log these stands of unburnt forest until Feb 27th 2015, by which time we should have a better idea about their defence and possibly a court date.
Now the even better news –
if you haven’t done your Xmas stuff yet, order from our shop this weekend and we’ll get the enviro-friendly goods packaged and posted off to you on Monday morning. Funds raised from our shop sales will help us keep the pressure on in 2015.
BEAUTIFUL NEW East Gippsland gift cards – as Chrissy cards or as a gift in themselves. Packs of 10 for $20 (blank inside for all occasions).
The famous and incredibly popular kid’s ecology book "Leaf Litter”. The best book around for getting kids interested in the ecosystem via the hundreds of different characters and happenings at ground level. $20.00
XMAS SPECIAL 1 – EEG calico shopping bags (we refuse to produce synthetic ones) with a pertinent message from Penny penguin or our boiling pot frogs. 40% off - $8.00
XMAS SPECIAL 2 – coloured cotton shopping bags with your choice of Redwood cartoon or forest message. 40% off - $4.80.
XMAS SPECIAL 3 - Organic cotton t shirts, Aussie made with planet saving messages – 20% off - $40.00
And other stocking fillers...
We are also auctioning a most beautiful handmade bag donated to us from Rare Bags. Have a look on our facebook page and make a bid. Money from the sale will help fund our legal case for owls in the New Year. Make a bid here in the comment bar -
Do enjoy the best and avoid the worst of this wonderfully silly season.
Hoping … and WORKING … for a more politically sane and compassionate 2015.
Thanks everyone for your support this year.
Cheers to all from Jill and the EEG team.
If you miss any of our past forest news updates you can always catch up and read them on the EEG website online here.
If you like what we do, or if you feel outraged and want to help somehow you can donate here EEG provides the most enviro-bang for your buck – and we work 7 days a week – no holiday pay, no office rent, power bills, wages or overheads.
Environment East Gippsland Inc.
FORESTS - our breathing space!